SASC is seeking a new Assessment Issues Coordinator

Could you help us in this vital role?

An exciting opportunity to support and help drive guidance developed by SASC, the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee

With Caroline Holden’s retirement, SASC is seeking an Assessment Issues Coordinator to support our work in:

  • Ensuring new guidance in assessment practice issued by SASC is underpinned by academic research, a strong evidence base and insights from experienced practitioners.
  • Encouraging the development of new guidance to assessors that reflects concerns and issues raised by the assessment community.
  • Providing the coordination for the development, production and implementation of draft new guidance regarding assessment practice.
  • Promoting the widest dissemination of new guidance through a range of channels and links with other professional bodies in the field.

Are you thinking of applying for this position?

Caroline Holden, outgoing post-holder, describes her experience in the role…

"Taking on voluntary work on the SASC Board as its Assessment Issues Coordinator could have been daunting. Instead, I found the collaborative and cooperative working ethos of the Board, led by its Chair, Lynn Greenwold, hugely supportive. This is a service-driven organisation, keen to promote and showcase best practice through developing assessment guidance, organising conferences, and, most importantly, engaging with SASC members, policy-makers and the wider public.

It has been a privilege and pleasure to extend my professional skills by building close links between the Board and other stake-holding organisations in this field, including academics and practitioners carrying out relevant research, and professionals in allied fields, such as optometry. The role has even enabled me to enjoy a very brief and late academic career by involvement in the dyslexia Delphi study. If you are passionate about standards in assessment practice there are many opportunities in this role to lead on projects the Board agrees are important.

Please is vital that experienced practitioners continue to support their colleagues."

For a full role description, click here. Applications are open until 30 September 2024.