SASC APC Fee Review

6 July 2023

SASC has recently conducted a review of fees charged by APC issuing bodies for the issuing of APC applications and renewals. This is the first review of these costs that SASC has carried out in nearly 10 years, and we feel that it is important that the fee charged goes some way towards reflecting the standard and extent of work involved in carrying out reviews of APC applications and renewals, and ensures continuing high quality throughout the process for all involved.
With this in mind, SASC has informed all APC issuing bodies that from 1st January 2024, the fee for a new APC application will increase to £210 (including SASC listing and membership fee of £30). An Assessment Practising Certificate renewal will also increase to £210 (including the SASC listing and membership fee of £30). The SASC membership fee covers APC holders being listed on the Assessors page of the SASC website for the duration of their current APC. Assessment Practising Certificates remain valid for three years as long as the holder is an active member of their APC issuing body.
APC issuing bodies also receive new APC applications from individuals whose qualification was gained over 5 years ago. From 1st September 2023 the cost of these applications will increase to £300 (including the SASC membership fee of £30) and the following requirements will apply to over 5 year applications:

  • Current full membership of an APC Issuing Body.
  • A current Curriculum Vitae to include details of relevant assessment experience.
  • A CPD log evidencing a minimum of 30 hours of relevant professional development . The CPD log will include:
    1. Evidence of 5 hours of SASC Authorised CPD. This is CPD that is authorised by SASC and listed through the SASC website. These SASC authorised CPD hours should not be updates on Access Arrangements, and
    2. Evidence of 25 hours CPD which may not be SASC authorised, i.e., 25 hours of supplementary CPD over the three-year period.
  • A full diagnostic assessment report providing evidence of your independent assessment practice and produced within the last 18 months. The report must be fully anonymised.
  • A full set of anonymised working papers i.e., scanned copies of all the test record forms used in the assessment, including copies of the assessee’s written responses. All working papers must be completed in ink, preferably black, legible and clearly record the date of assessment and the name of the assessor (Examiner).
  • A copy of your specialist SpLD Level 7 qualification.

All issuing bodies will be following these guidelines from the dates specified.
July 2023